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Part 1 / 4 ..... by Yazgi Akata - unedited

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Figuring out where to start these compositions is usually a challenge. The range and the intensity of the emotions, memories and stories this semester unfolded, makes it even harder to compose them into my writing, which to me resembles making constellations out of stars. Since just listing this semester’s experiences took a large paragraph, I decided to turn this perspective composition into series of perspective compositions in order to reflect more on these precious moments. Please bear with me.


Also, I have to include that these writing processes has another thing in common: they are an incredible opportunity for me express how grateful I am for my YEF family. In this composition, I will reflect on my academic and campus experience this semester, conferences I have been involved in, and what expect for next semester.


Spring semester is most certainly different than the fall semester. First of all, it is much colder. Before the weather actually transitions from winter to spring, Buffalo goes through multiple “fake springs”. This year, it actually snowed in Buffalo up until May. Despite the long winter, the cloud of joy that covers the whole campus on the first day the weather gets slightly warmer is priceless. Followingly, I felt that spring semester was much faster than the fall. This could be because this semester I was busier both in academics and in extracurriculars.


This past semester, I took five courses that totaled nineteen credits. Among them was CSE116, Introduction to Computer Science II. During this course I became familiar with the coding language Java, studied unit testing, classes and object-oriented programming, data structures and algorithms by completing twelve programming tasks. Main emphasis of this course was on “how the programs we write work, not just that they work”. This was one of the courses that challenged more people. For me it meant more late nights spent at the library. This course introduced me to both the fun and the frustration of computer science.


The late-night study sessions at Capen with my friends were home to many discussions of the programming concepts and tracing my code countless times. Many of these sessions ended up in the local fast-food shop as we were in desperate need of snack after studying for a while, and numerous visits to Niagara Falls after midnight. During this semester I saw the light show at Niagara Falls for the first time. Also, with my friends we became closer buddies with Cherry, the Golden Retriever of the Law Library. Cherry is an awesome friend. She shows great support and love for all of us. On Monday evenings, we all somehow found ourselves at the Law Library chatting with Cherry.


In addition to CSE 116, I also took ENG 105 this semester, and I have to mention how this course has broadened my horizon. For all my life, I have loved writing and been quite into literature. However, ENG 105 has introduced me to new horizons by allowing me to think about certain aspects of artwork that I have not before. During this course I wrote a summary, a rhetorical analysis of a documentary, an annotated bibliography, a research paper, and made a presentation. Through this work, I explored how artists communicated with their audience, made certain choices in their work to support a certain argument and approach. Even though given the number of courses I took and their intensities the workload was a challenge at times, what I have gained and learned from these courses are irreplaceable and priceless. As a result, I have also completed the semester on a very good note with a place on Dean’s List.


            In my next composition, I will go through my experiences on campus this semester.

click on the photos to enlarge

Niagara Falls midnight

Niagara Falls at midnight (photo by Yazgi)

Niagara Falls midnight

Niagara Falls at midnight (photo by Yazgi)

Cherry Golden Retriever

Cherry the Golden Retrirver 

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